“One Vote For One Legal Voter”™
New Website Coming Soon!
Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. will be launching a new website in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for a brand new look for the New Year.
Why Election Integrity Matters
Are you concerned about the electoral process and your voting system?
Elections have consequences, from your local town council to the office of the President of the United States—the people we elect to represent us vote on legislation and create policies that affect your everyday life.
Yet, a 2020 research poll from Northwestern University found that 38% of Americans lack confidence in election fairness, proving election integrity is a bipartisan issue.
Every citizen has the right to vote. No one has the right to interfere with or diminish the exercise of this right. Our right to vote and our right to secure and fair elections are sacred institutions that must be defended and held up to the highest standards. Every voter must know their votes will count. No citizen should have to question whether an election outcome was “fair” or “rigged.”
When elections are safe and secure, voter turnout is higher, and the public has more faith and trust in their elected officials, making election integrity the most significant issue currently facing our democracy.

Why is keepingvoter rolls up‑to‑date such a challenge?
+43 Million*
per year
+2 Million**
per year
As a result, 1 in every 8 voter registration records is inaccurate and unreliable, possibly affecting election results. Elections are frequently decided by small margins.
As a result, 1 in every 8 voter registration records is inaccurate and unreliable, possibly affecting election results. Elections are frequently decided by small margins.
What We Do
Can we increase the accuracy of our voter roles to minimize the possibility of mistakes or malfeasance?
Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. (FVF) is a nonpartisan nonprofit 501(c)4 research and investigative body that compiles public information and evidence to prove violations of the 1993 “Motor Voter Law” (NVRA). This federal law mandates that states constantly scrub and maintain their voter rolls.
A 2012 Pew study found that one out of every eight voter registrations were inaccurate, with 2.8 million people registered in two or more states. Across the nation, hundreds of counties have more registered voters than residents.
This is clearly a systemic problem facing our democratic infrastructure—voter rolls form the foundation of everything in election administration. Beyond the concern of potential voter fraud, voter rolls should be clean to ensure the accurate execution of our elections. One of the easiest ways to ensure accuracy in election administration is the removal of deceased voters and voters that have moved out of town and/or state from voter registration lists.
FVF has assembled a “Silent Army” of trained researchers who conduct quiet research, follow leads, and verify data to identify instances of potential voter fraud in order to assist or file complaints with various governing agencies, including law enforcement, and/or pursue litigation. FVF is willing to pursue all avenues as a means to expose potential voter fraud in order to advocate for election integrity.

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Who We Are
When voter fraud occurs, it undermines the electoral process for all voters. Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. (FVF) was founded in 2018 by Linda Szynkowicz after she observed issues of potential voter fraud—and was astonished to find that when she reached out to several agencies, they all told her they lacked the resources to investigate the potential cases of fraud.
Frustrated at the prospect of having nowhere to turn, Linda created FVF, a nonpartisan nonprofit 501(c)4 to advocate on behalf of all disenfranchised voters, regardless of party affiliation.
Are you passionate about election integrity?
Follow us for important updates from Fight Voter Fraud, Inc.
*About 43.6 million Americans move each year, according to recently released US Census Bureau data from 2015 to 2019. That comes out to about 17% of the country. Most of those movers didn’t go far. 59% stayed in the same county, 24% moved to a different county in the same state, and 17% moved to a different state.
**Of the 252,274,000 voting-aged population in the US (US Census Bureau ), an average 0.835% of adult Americans die each year (CDC). That’s over 2.1 million voting age people each year.